In summer 2024 94% of Families Reported Overall Satisfaction with Our Programs

20 Classrooms
300 students
120 3-year-olds
180 4-year-olds
58% - girls
42% - boys
A.A. = 60%
Latino =22%
Caucasian = 13%
Other = 5%

21 Zip Codes Represented
14621 = 56
14609 = 51
14611 = 28
14619 = 26
14615 = 21

2024 Program Sites
Adams St. R Center
Baden - Alvin Wesley
Child Development Center
Friendship Children's Cnt
Generations - Clinton Sq. & Highland Ave
Ibero Early Childhood Center
Jackson R Center
Rochester Childhood Network
VOA Children's Center
— Name, Title

Average Family Size:
Free or Reduced Lunch: 67%
Food Stamps: 53%
16% under $15,000
23% under $25,000
26% under $45,000
16,800 meals served
900 individual swim lessons
7200 in-class science lessons
75-80 jobs created or maintained
$405,000 stipends paid to classroom hosts ($22,500 per
Two classrooms hosted and fully sponsored by the City of Rochester

"Keeps the children learning, keeps their brains fresh, and their social skills intact. "
- Parent, summerLEAP at Adams Street R-Center
In summer 2024...
2024 Family Satisfaction Survey
72%of families reported summerLEAP enables them to continue working during the summer
19%of families reported summerLEAP enabled them to attend to family responsibilities
5% of families reported summerLEAP enabled them to continue or attend training