Benevity Causes
Michael Bloch Associates
Mrs. Nancy Briggs
City of Rochester, DRYS
Cristino Perez
Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
Eayes Hope Foundation
ESL Charitable Foundation
Erik & Judy vonBucher
Florence M. Muller Foundation
Greater Rochester Community Transport Fdn
Harrison Gabel
Leslie Knox
M & T Charitable Foundation​
Matthew Present
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
Rochester's Child / Rochester Area Community Foundation​
Rochester City School District
Ron Schumaker
Richard and Vicki Schwartz​​​​​
Terry Platt
UW of Greater Rochester & the Finger Lakes​
William & Sheila Konar Foundation
Your contribution to Greater Rochester Summer Learning Association Inc., an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) public charity, is deductible to the fullest extent provided by law. Unless otherwise noted, no goods or services were provided to you in return for this contribution. For tax purposes, please save this letter as the official receipt of your gift.
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GRSLA Donor List-2024