Science is for Everyone!
Our EPK and UPK summerLEAP programs introduce the exciting world of science to our students.
Science is an extremely effective method for engaging children in learning. When science is done well, children are completely engrossed, smiling and laughing, reluctant to stop, and eager to talk about what they are doing.
Unfortunately, many teachers bypass science due to the cost of materials, lack of training, or the perceived need for elaborate preparation. GRSLA's goal is to remove the barriers of teaching science by providing teachers everything needed to be successful:
an easy to follow manual (curriculum)
hands-on teacher training
required materials for each activity
sets of children’s books on related science topics
science journals for children to share with parents
opportunities to talk with colleagues about their experience with the program
By engaging students weekly in hands-on science activities, reading books about science, modeling scientific processes, and drawing pictures in their science journals, students will develop critical thinking skills, expressive language, vocabulary and an understanding of what science is and what scientists do. At the same time, they will have a wonderful summer of exciting scientific discoveries.

Sarah Fitts-Romig
Sarah Fitts-Romig, has been involved in early childhood education since receiving her Masters from Nazareth College in 1987. She specializes in preschool science and has been developing curriculum for GRSLA since 2016. In addition to curriculum development, Sarah works part time at the Lincoln Branch Toy Library where she manages a large collection of materials available for families and teachers to borrow with a library card.

Aimee Vollmer
Aimee Vollmer, has degree in art education and has been an educator for 25 years, teaching various age groups from PreK through high school. She currently teaches preschool at the Rochester Museum and Science Center where where she has been employed for the past 11 years. In her free time Aimee loves to garden, make art and spend time with her daughters.
Meet the Developers of Our Curriculum
Science Curriculum for Early Pre-Kindergartners (3 year-olds)
Three-year-old children are unique, and our developers Sarah and Aimee designed a program especially for them, honoring their need to direct their learning. Our EPK science experiences involve “guided play” and are ideal for small group of 5 children and 1 adult playing together. The adult’s role is that of a facilitator, talking with the children, playing with them, asking questions, and assessing what needs the children might have to be met in order to enhance their experience. Adults can make suggestions, but if play goes in another direction, they follow the child's lead!
Below is a list of all of the topics explored in our EPK science curriculum.
Science Curriculum for Universal Pre-Kindergartners (4 year-olds)
Our developers, Sarah and Aimee, understand that the best way for children to learn is through play. Our UPK curriculum is designed to introduce children to the step-by-step, methodical process of scientific discovery while still allowing lots of room for play and innovation. Our UPK science experiences are ideal for small group of 5 children and 1 adult learning together. During each experience children are given their own materials to make science come to life.
Imagine a group of children gathered together as an adult demonstrates what happens when baking soda is mixed with vinegar. Then each student is given the materials to create their own volcanic eruption. Students are able to decide how much of the materials to use, in what order, and then investigate if their decisions effected the results!
Below is a list of all of the topics investigated in our UPK science curriculum.